Your sun has set, son of Marukgwane


In December of 2020, we found out that the beloved lawyer and literary admirer, Advocate Marukgwane (or just Maru to his friends) was sick. we were hopeful that he would pull through. this was not to be. Sabata-mpho Mokae wrote a heartfelt tribute to this son of the soil and a friend of many. Nelson Mandela Foundation CEO Sello Hatang read the tribute at the memorial service of Maru.

Tsamaya ka kagiso, motho yo montle le pelo.

For a lawyer and a marathon runner, your contribution to South African literature has made an impact. You made reading visible and desirable to many people, here in South Africa and beyond our shores. Through Fat Cats Reading Club, you and your fellow book club members brought us – the authors – to meet the readers. You made us feel appreciated. When you ran the Comrades Marathon reading my novel Moletlo wa Manong (Xarra) I felt privileged and I still don’t know how to properly thank you. In your departure we lost a brother, a friend and someone with a beautiful heart.

I have called you more than once ‘nkgonne yo montle le pelo’ because I meant it: you had a beautiful heart. In you heaven has welcomed an angel. Take your rest, my brother.

I loved you and I told you so when you were alive. I love you now and I will continue to love you.

Tsamaya sentle nkgonne.

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